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Experiencing the Weekend School in Sneek

The second partner meeting of the Erasmus+ project ‘’Here We Create the Future’’ kicked off with a whirl of excitement in Sneek, the Netherlands. Here, all the partners had an opportunity to experience a day at Weekend school Súdwest-Fryslân, as well as get an update and the next steps on the project results.

On the first day of the partner meeting, partners were divided in groups that joined the Weekend school staff to observe their work. Several fun workshops and trips were arranged, giving the partners a first-hand experience of how the Weekend School operates. The partners admired the informal and non-judgemental way the school works. The focus of the school is to help children discover their own talents and interest. The partners were also impressed by the young, positive-minded team running the Weekend School. They noticed how well-focused everyone was, including the volunteers.

Partners noticed that the school wasn’t just about theory but was much more practical. They also observed that the school seemed like a family to the kids. The team encouraged good behaviour, but also allows kids to be free and have fun at times. Overall, the partners were very enthusiastic about their experience at the Weekend School!

The second day included a partner meeting in Franeker. Here the partners discussed the project results, the tasks and the action points. The initiator of the Weekend School in Súdwest-Fryslân also shared some more information on the set-up of their Weekend School. Such as how they get organizations involved for the workshops and the staffing and volunteers of the Weekend School. These topics will also be included in the Weekend School Handbook.

The second partner meeting in Sneek offered partners a practical look at the workings of a Weekend School. They got the chance to observe the school in action and understand its core values and methods. This knowledge they can take home and use to start building on their own Weekend School in the region. See you next time in Madrid!

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